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Short Overview

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Argus Holdings, Ltd. offers numerical pre and post processing tools for a wide range of engineering applications.

The Argus Open Numerical Environments (Argus ONE) enable you to easily and intuitively prepare your data for any modeling package, finite element as well as finite difference based. By automatically linking the physical data you enter in GIS layers to grid blocks or mesh nodes and elements, Argus ONE keeps your data reusable. Changing your mesh or grid doesn't require you to re-enter your data. Argus ONE integrates a variety of tessellation modules including the Argus MeshMaker®Finite difference grids module and the Argus MeshMaker Triangular and Quadrilateral finite element modules.

Illustration of Argus Open Numerical Environments' Layers Structure The Argus ONE Workplace
In the Argus ONE workplace different types of information are created, edited and maintained in separate GIS-like layers. The number of layers is unlimited.
Domain Outline Layers
The domain's outline is created using on-screen digitizing tools or imported from GIS, CAD and text files. The outline specifies the domain to be discretized, and the desired mesh/grid densities. A domain outline may contain internal discontinuities, river or fault lines and point sources.
Mesh Layers
Triangular and quadrilateral meshes are created using automatic mesh generation tools. With interactive editing tools meshes can be easily edited by point, click and drag techniques. Mesh nodes and elements are database objects which can hold unlimited number of records which are automatically assigned to them from linked Information layers.
Grid Layers
Block Centered and Grid Centered Grids are created using auto gridding tools. Rows and columns can be manually added and deleted, the grid can be resized and relocated, and blocks are automatically removed to follow the domain's outline. Grid blocks are database objects which can hold unlimited number of records which are automatically assigned to them from linked Information layers.
Information (GIS) Layers
Information Layers enable you to incorporate, visualize, and edit the spatial distribution of any physical parameter such as topographical data, material properties, geographical information, initial and boundary conditions, sources and sinks, etc. The data can be automatically assigned to meshes and grids.
Orientation Layers
Background maps can be drawn or imported into Orientation Layers to facilitate orientation within complex geographical and topological domains. Bitmap as well as vector formats are supported. Arcs, circles, lines and rectangles can be created and copied into other orientation, information and domain layers. Here you also present your model results using Post-Processing tools.

Bringing in Your Data

By importing information from text, CAD and ArcView Shape files, digitizing from background pictures and using point and click contouring tools you describe the spatial distribution of continuous and discrete information and store it in information (GIS) layers. In Information layers you can store topographical data, material properties, geographical information, initial and boundary conditions, sources and sinks, etc. The information you bring into the Argus ONE workplace can be used to define the domain to be meshed or grided, to affect the mesh and grid density, and it can also be automatically linked to mesh nodes and elements and to grid blocks/cells.

Gridding and Meshing Problem Domains

To create and edit meshes and grids, all you have to do is define a domain and instruct Argus ONE to mesh or grid it.

Linking Your Data to Meshes and Grids

Link your information layers to Grid and Mesh objects and Argus ONE automatically samples the information layers to assign nodes and element their values. When you refine your grids or meshes Argus ONE automatically resamples the data and reassigns the grid or mesh their new values.

Calculating Complex Expressions

To easily calculate complex expressions use Argus ONE's expression editor and the abundance of functions supplied.
You can calculate the "Thickness" of a geological formation, the mass through an element or a block, the length of a "River" or "Fault" crossing an element or a block and the mass it contributes to them. You can also interpolate any parameter onto a grid or a mesh. Using these powerful tools will save you many programming hours. Argus ONE (spreadsheet-like) expressions can contain Mathematical, Trigonometric, Logical, Search, GIS, Grid, Mesh, Block, Node and Element functions. To create expressions use algebraic and boolean operators.

Export to All Your Numerical Models

Whether you develop your own numerical models, use public domain models or work with commercial models, Argus ONE enables you to do all your pre- and post-processing in one friendly environment and export the data you linked to your grid and mesh to all your models. Using the Export Template dialog you create an Export Template for each of the models you use and save it to disk. Whenever you need to export your data to a model, just load the appropriate Export Template form disk and choose the Export menu. Using export templates, Argus Open Numerical Environments users export their data to different models such as:


Using the post-processing tools you can present and investigate your model results in the same window you've created your model input.


Find your way in complex domains using:


Printing Your Projects

Argus Open Numerical Environments are device independent. Projects can be printed to any output device supported by your system such as: dot matrix, laser printers, postscript printers and plotters.

Argus ONE is designed to support an unlimited number of different types of finite difference grids and finite element meshes. All of the available grid and mesh types are integrated within Argus ONE using a consistent user interface. To allow you to purchase only the grid and mesh types you use, the following Argus MeshMaker topological modules can be ordered separately:

The finite difference grid module

The triangular finite element module

The quadrilaterals finite element module

To automatically grid even the most complex domains, define the domain and click a magic wand in it. You can easily set different block/cell sizes at different areas of the domain. All grid objects can be linked to information layers to allow you to easily export your data.

To automatically mesh even the most complex domains, define the domain and click a magic wand in it. You can easily set different element sizes at different areas of the domain. All mesh objects can be linked to information layers to allow you to easily export your data.

To automatically mesh even the most complex domains, define the domain and click a magic wand in it. You can easily set different element sizes at different areas of the domain. All mesh objects can be linked to information layers to allow you to easily export your data.

Grid and Grid Editing
  • Fast Auto Grid Generation for both block centered and grid centered grids
  • Unlimited number of blocks/cells
  • Intuitive grid density (block size) setting
  • Refining of a grid or parts of a grid
  • Manual row and column creation
  • Click to select grid, blocks, rows/columns
  • Grid blocks are linked to information (GIS) layers
  • Automatically and manually remove grid blocks to follow the domain's outline
  • Assign graphical icons to blocks

Triangular Meshing and Mesh Editing
  • Fast Auto Mesh Generation, 1000 elements in under a minute on PC
  • Unlimited number of nodes and elements
  • Auto mesh multiple domains at once
  • Refine and Smooth a mesh
  • Nodes and Elements are linked to information (GIS) layers
  • Renumber (band width optimization)
  • Manually create, move and reshape elements
  • Assign graphical icons and alpha-numeric values to nodes and elements

Quadrilateral Meshing and Mesh Editing
  • Fast Auto Mesh Generation, 1000 elements in under 2 minutes on PC
  • Unlimited number of nodes and elements
  • Auto mesh multiple domains at once
  • Refine and Smooth a mesh
  • Nodes and Elements are linked to information (GIS) layers
  • Renumber (band width optimization)
  • Manually create, move and reshape elements
  • Assign graphical icons and alpha-numeric values to nodes and elements

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